Naif Alshaye

Hello I'm Naif Alshaye!

Let's connect

Who am I?

I'm a Full Stack Developer

Passionate full stack developer with 15+ years of experience. Designed, implemented and developed lots of web applications. Also contributing to an open source projects and libraries.

Connect with me

Here's what I'm good at

development icon


The process of using client-side and server-side programming to develop an application that is accessible over the web .

Backend icon

Backend-end frameworks

Using the popular backend-end frameworks such as Laravel.

Frontend icon

Front-end frameworks

Using most popular front-end HTML, CSS frameworks like VueJS, Tailwind and Bootstrap.

APIs icon


Building Application programming interface such as RESTful and SOAP.

UX/UI  icon


User Interface Design, on the other hand, is responsible for the look and feel, the presentation and interactivity of a product.

Testing icon

Testing, debugging

Testing and debugging the application to find errors or bugs and fix it.


PHP Python Javascript Laravel VueJS TailwindCSS TailwindCSS TailwindCSS TailwindCSS TailwindCSS Composer Django ElasticSearch GoogleCloud Ionic Linux NGINX NodeJs NPM Postman RabbitMQ RedHat Ubuntu Redis Selenium Swagger

Certificates & Awards

icon project



icon star


Packages & Library

icon download



icon bug


Bugs Fixed


Have Any Questions?

Please feel free to contact me at any time by email or phone.

My Email


My Address

Qurtubah, Riyadh 13249 Saudi Arabia

© Copyright 2025. All right reserved, Naif Alshaye.